From cleaning your ears improperly to exposing your ears to considerably loud noises, the wrong practices surrounding your ear health can severely damage your ability to hear.
Your ears are crucial to your health, as health ears allow you to hear throughout your life. Unfortunately, there is a significant amount of false information on ear care. From cleaning your ears improperly to exposing your ears to considerably loud noises, the wrong practices surrounding your ear health can severely damage your ability to hear. Consider these four bad habits to avoid for your ear health.
Cleaning the Inside of Your Ear with a Cotton Swab
Many people mistakenly believe cotton swabs are made to be inserted inside of the ear canals. However, that is entirely wrong. The earwax inside of and surrounding your ear is instead, necessary for keeping your ears clean. Inserting a cotton swab into your ear could push wax further into the ear canal leading to impaction. In turn, the impaction of wax in your ear could seriously damage your hearing and balance.
Listening to Loud Music
While it can be tempting to crank up the volume of your headphones, this habit can damage the tiny hair cells needed to hear. These small hairs are necessary for converting sound waves to electrical signals for our brains to process.
Ear Candling
Ear candling was one perceived as an effective way to remove earwax. However, there is a significant amount of scientific support it an ineffective practice, but it also presents the risk of leaking wax into your ear which could also cause eardrum perforation.
Noise Pollution
Noise pollution is one of the leading causes of hearing loss. Construction sites, concerts, or noisy job sites can be especially damaging to your hearing. Ear plugs can help to prevent hearing loss in these environments.
Trust the Experts at Clarity Audiology & Hearing Solutions
Need help with your hearing? Clarity Hearing can help. Clarity Audiology & Hearing Solutions is an independently-owned and operated clinic that focuses on quality of care and personalized friendly service. Our Doctors of Audiology are highly trained with advanced degrees and take the time to provide the personalized care and attention that you need and deserve. We provide advanced hearing aid options that personally calibrated with cutting-edge digital technology to fit your hearing loss, your unique ear anatomy, and your individual listening needs.
Come in for a walk-in appointment on Tuesdays & Fridays from 10:00am to 11:30am, or contact us to schedule an appointment by calling 410-698-6594 or visiting our contact page. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, and LinkedIn for more blog posts, news, and updates!