Treat your hearing loss as soon as possible to ensure that you can keep engaging in memories with the people that you care about the most.
While many people think that hearing loss is a natural part of aging, it is a serious issue that should not be taken lightly. There are many negative effects of hearing loss, however when acknowledged as soon as possible, can often be easily treated and maintained with professional help and the right technology. If you are currently suffering from early stages of hearing loss, consider these five reasons why you should be treating it immediately.
Hearing Can Worsen with Time
The issue of hearing loss can often worsen with procrastination. The longer that you wait to treat it, the harder it is to fix. If treated sooner rather than later, you can minimize the negative effects of hearing loss and your brain will quickly adapt to a new way of hearing if you get started before more damage is done.
The Risk of Cognitive Decline
Cognitive decline is a major concern for many aging adults, and hearing loss can actually speed the process along if it is left untreated. Numerous research studies have found a link between conditions of hearing loss that remain untreated and a decrease in cognitive ability. Although the treatment of hearing loss cannot stop the effects of serious conditions such as Alzheimer’s or dementia, it can significantly alleviate the negative effects of losing your ability to hear.
You Can’t Get the Time Back
Studies show that an alarming number of adults who notice problems with their hearing often wait 7 years before they ever talk to a doctor about the problem. In waiting, you risk the possibility of missed memories and not hearing as much as you if the hearing loss was treated earlier. You can never get your time back, so it is very important to treat your loss as soon as you notice it.
Hearing Loss is Frustrating
Hearing loss can be frustrating to you, as well as your friends and family. The people that you love are important, and so is what they are saying to you. Don’t miss out on great conversations with family and friends due to a lack of hearing! Treat your hearing loss as soon as possible to ensure that you can keep engaging in memories with the people that you care about the most.
Hearing Loss Can Have Dangerous Effects
There are numerous undiscovered negative effects of hearing loss that have not yet been identified. While connection between cognitive decline and hearing loss is especially concerning, there may still be even more links between disease and hearing loss that remain unknown. Minimize this risk by not letting your hearing loss go unchecked for too long.
Hearing Loss Solutions by Clarity Audiology
Clarity Audiology & Hearing Solutions offers state-of-the-art hearing solutions for any hearing loss you are experiencing. We can diagnose and treat hearing loss, and we also specialize in fitting and programming hearing aids, and helping you hear again. Contact us today to schedule an appointment online or by calling 410-698-6594. To see what we are up to, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn.