Even though earwax is supposed to keep your ears clean, too much earwax can be a problem.Here are some ways to get an ear cleaning done and keep your ears healthier!
Do you find that you have an excess amount of earwax? If that’s the case, then you might need an ear cleaning. Even though earwax is supposed to keep your ears clean, too much earwax can be a problem. Here are some ways to get an ear cleaning done and keep your ears healthier!
Signs of Earwax Buildup
First of all, how would you even know you need to clean your ears? You might have an excess of earwax. These are some signs of earwax buildup, also known as impaction:
- Aching ears
- A stuffy feeling or ringing
- Trouble hearing
- Odd smells from the ear
- Dizziness and coughing
If you wear hearing aids or need earplugs, you may notice too much earwax building up in your ears. Likewise, if you are older or have a developmental disability, you may also find you have too much earwax.
Methods to Safely Clean Your Ears
Here’s what you should to safely clean your ears:
Using a wet cloth: Because cotton swabs can only make the problem worse, don’t use them. Instead, try using a wet cloth. Wipe down the affected this area with the wet cloth, and only use the cotton swabs on the outsides of your ears.
Try over the counter products: You could also try using over the counter products. Many pharmacies offer these remedies. Earwax drops can help, but you may not know what’s in them:
- Mineral oil
- Glyercin
- Peroxide
- Saline
The syringe method: This technique will sound unconventional, but it might also work. With a syringe, you can irrigate your ears. How does this work? You’d only be rinsing the wax out of your ears. For best results, use an earwax softening product and wait for fifteen to thirty afterward to try the syringe.
What You Shouldn’t Do
Whatever you do, don’t try the following methods. For instance, don’t use anything that is sharp. Although this is tempting, you could do even more damage to your affected ear. Cotton swabs are unlikely to help as well. If you want to attempt the syringe method and irrigate your ears, here’s what to keep in mind:
- Don’t try it if you have diabetes
- Avoid this method if your immune system is compromised somehow
- If you have any holes in your eardrum from previous damage, don’t do it either
Hearing Loss Solutions from Clarity Audiology
Clarity Audiology & Hearing Solutions offers state-of-the-art hearing solutions for any hearing loss you are experiencing. We specialize in diagnosing and treating hearing loss, fitting and programming hearing aids, and helping you hear again. Contact us today to schedule an appointment online or by calling 410-698-6594. To see what we are up to, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn.