Hearing loss is more prevalent than you think, and catching any sign of hearing loss early can help you manage and possibly reverse your symptoms, particularly if it is tinnitus. That is just one of the possible signs you are… Read More
The Anatomy of the Outer Ear
The ear consists of the outer, middle, and inner ears, making the entire organ much more extensive than we typically think. On top of that, an auditory nerve connects the ear to the brain, and a Eustachian tube links the… Read More
How to Clean Your Ears without Q Tips
Clean ears help keep you healthy and preserve your hearing. The traditional method for cleaning ears is Q tips, but these cotton-tipped tools can push earwax further into the ear canal rather than help remove it. Some say that ear… Read More
Are Hearing Aids Unattractive?
When you think of hearing aids, several things might come to mind, consciously or subconsciously. You might imagine Carl Fredricksen from Up or a pair of clunky plastic objects that fit into ears. The truth is that our perceptions about… Read More
Does Tinnitus Shrink Your Brain?
Tinnitus affects millions of people in the United States, and sadly, solutions are present but are not standard and may not fit everyone’s case. You might have come across ads that say that scientists have found evidence that tinnitus is… Read More
Will My Tinnitus Go Away?
If you have ever experienced or are experiencing tinnitus that lasts for more than a day, you are not alone. Asking, “Will my tinnitus go away?” is a common question. Tinnitus has many different possible causes, and getting to the… Read More
Do Earplugs Improve Sleep?
If you have difficulty sleeping due to a noisy environment, or you are just a light sleeper, earplugs are the best way to get a good night’s rest when sleeping in place. They do have their health risks, which is… Read More
Can Spring Allergies Affect Hearing?
Springtime in Maryland is beautiful, but it could also be a time that you experience a lot of sneezing, a runny nose, and watery, itchy eyes. Yes, springtime is also spring allergy time, especially with the high pollen count. Could… Read More
Do Hearing Aids Make Hearing Worse?
If you have eyeglasses, you might have heard that wearing glasses makes your vision worse and that there are ways to improve your vision with methodical self care. If it is so with eyes, what about ears? Do hearing aids… Read More
Are Hearing Aids Waterproof?
Hearing aids come in multiple styles today and have many features, like Bluetooth connectivity. You can even find rechargeable ones with a dehumidifier built into their chargers! You have come here because you want to know if hearing aids are… Read More