Vertigo can happen because of many different reasons like an ear infection or Meniere’s disease, but the most common cause is the disease called benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV.) The solution is much simpler than you might think with often… Read More
What Is Noise Pollution and Is It Real?
Sound is an odd thing. It is a subjective measure that determines when sound becomes either music or noise. It is also a personal measure whether one is even aware of an otherwise annoying din. How is it that a… Read More
Solving Common Hearing Aid Problems
Hearing aid technology has advanced the quality of hearing aids beyond what some might expect. Now, there are various models that can sit invisibly within or behind the ear, and can even connect with smart technology to talk on the… Read More
Sounds That Hearing Loss Reduces
While vision loss has a profound effect on how one is able to function and move from place to place, hearing loss produces far weightier consequences than the average person might expect. Sounds that hearing loss reduces include several categories… Read More
Why People Deny Their Hearing Loss
It is not uncommon to know someone who is developing apparent signs of hearing loss, yet denies the problem. You have to repeat yourself, raise your voice, or ask them to lower the volume of the television. Still, your loved… Read More
New Year’s Resolutions for Healthy Hearing
New Year’s resolutions date as far back as Babylonian times. Today, while we are not paying our debts to the ancient gods of yore, many of us still find this tradition to be a helpful way to start fresh. Or… Read More
Beethoven’s Hearing Loss
Ludwig van Beethoven: the iconic composer. Not only is Beethoven famous for his voluminous music compositions, but he is also well known for his descent into deafness. It amazes one and all to learn that he composed his Ninth Symphony… Read More
Clogged Ears? Common Causes
Having a clogged ear or two is not comfortable. Hearing becomes muffled or strangely amplified, and sometimes can come with pain. It is a real nuisance. Most of the time, it clears up on its own after a week or… Read More
Does Hearing Loss Cause Poor Memory?
Hearing loss is a common disorder that affects at least a quarter of seniors in the United States. Age-related hearing loss is, in many cases, a normal part of growing older. Even so, seniors do not have to live with… Read More
What to Expect for a First Hearing Test
Hearing loss often comes gradually, so that by the time symptoms surmount, it may seem like a surprise. Getting treatment for hearing loss is always worth it. It will allow you to not only hear the oven timer go off… Read More