Tinnitus can sound different to different people, but one thing is in common: all kinds of tinnitus are unnerving. Some people have constant tinnitus, and others have it intermittently. Where does it come from? No one is entirely sure, although… Read More
Can Hearing Get Better Over Time?
Does our hearing loss only worsen? Can hearing get better over time? Today’s medicine has come a long way, but there are still many limitations in what it can do. In multiple cases, hearing can get better over time, but… Read More
Common Causes of Ear Pain
Ear pain happens, but it is by no means comfortable, and you don’t want to let it go on longer than it has to. There are different potential causes of ear pain, and all of them have a solution. If… Read More
Tinnitus Facts and Myths
Realizing that you’re suddenly experiencing ringing or buzzing in your ears can be a startling moment for many. But you should know that you’re not alone, as millions of Americans from all walks of life experience this symptom known as… Read More
How to Keep Hearing Aids from Falling Out
How could we stop our hearing aids from falling off our ears? Hearing aids are pricey, and in order to keep them in good shape and benefit from them for an extended period, special care and attention is required. Read… Read More
How to Protect Your Ears from Loud Noises
Are you ready to party? Are you aiming to see your favorite singer or band? Are you gearing up to mow the lawn? Whatever scenario sounds like you, your ears will likely be exposed to some very loud sounds. How… Read More
What Herbs Are Good for Hearing Loss?
Healthy foods are healthy for a reason. At the molecular level, they contain different vitamins and minerals that do wonders for our bodies and even our moods and minds. Using the right ingredients in our diets can drastically improve different… Read More
Do I Have Impacted Ear Wax?
Impacted earwax is more common among children than adults and is relatively uncommon, but it can happen to anyone. If you are having discomfort in your ears, the cause could be any number of things. “Do I have impacted ear… Read More
How to Choose the Best Audiologist
An audiologist is the best person to go to about a hearing problem of any kind. One can also help you with balance issues and hearing protection. Unfortunately, it does take some research to ensure that you are really finding… Read More