Follow these hearing health tips, just in time for the end of summer.
Summer’s almost over, but you can still enjoy all the warmth of the season and the longer days and shorter nights that come with it. Before life begins again in the fall, take some time to pamper yourself and relax a little bit. Your mental, physical, and emotional well-being are all just as important as your hearing health is. Follow these hearing health tips, just in time for the end of summer.
See Your Doctor
Despite the upswing in allergies, late spring and early summer are generally when most people feel healthier. That means seeing your doctor should be even easier. As busy as a doctor’s office will still be, you’ll only need to wait for the typical reasons and not because anyone is actively sick. As the summer comes to close, you might want to take care of all those appointments you’ve been missing. Scheduling appointments and then showing up on time for them can be anxiety-inducing, but it’s not all as scary as it seems. Your doctor can establish your physical health right before the fall flu season rushes in and you’re too sick to get out of bed. Get your yearly physical, and then, it’s time to see your audiologist.
See Your Audiologist
Your hearing health might be indicative of deeper physical ailments. Likewise, your body might hint at something wrong with your hearing. When you see your audiologist, get a hearing test. It’s a check-up that’s just like getting an eye exam or routine teeth cleaning. After a long summer full of loud noises from fireworks, lawn mowers, and rock concerts, your ears might be hurting more than you think. Other common problems with hearing health that manifest during the summer include swimmer’s ear and annoying ringing characteristic of tinnitus. You might not know if you need a hearing aid, so get your hearing checked before it’s too late.
Get More Exercise
Another way to take advantage of the delightful summer weather is to get some more exercise. Spend your time outside whenever you can, because once the first cold snap of fall arrives, you’ll likely prefer to stay inside than venture outside. You have plenty of options to consider, such as:
- Joining a walking or jogging club,
- Taking up yoga
- Swimming at your local pool
- Learning how to play golf
The healthier you are, the lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels. When you’re in better shape, you also reduce the risk of suffering a heart attack or developing diabetes. You’ll also find that better physical health means improved hearing health.
Hearing Health Tips and Hearing Loss Solutions from Clarity Audiology
Clarity Audiology & Hearing Solutions offers state-of-the-art hearing solutions for any hearing loss you are experiencing. We specialize in diagnosing and treating hearing loss, fitting and programming hearing aids, and helping you hear again. Contact us today to schedule an appointment online or by calling 410-698-6594. To see what we are up to, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn.