You should remember that hearing loss does not only affect you, it affects those around you and the people who care most about you, too.
Hearing is a vital part of clear communication. Likewise, communication is a vital part of maintaining and strengthening interpersonal relationships. Hearing loss can cause many problems in these relationships, whether or not we mean let that happen. You should remember that hearing loss does not only affect you, it affects those around you and the people who care most about you, too. Frustration can lead to damaged relationships, so consider these possible frustrations and how to avoid them with romantic partners, family members, colleagues, and your friends.
Hearing Loss and Romantic Partners
Not listening to each other is a frequent refrain in any relationship. Listening to each other and talking matters over are major building blocks of any strong relationship. Hearing issues can contribute to an inability to hear what your significant other is saying to you, and vice versa. If either you or your spouse suffer from hearing loss, it could damage your relationship. If both spouses have hearing conditions, it can be that much worse. Women are more prone to feeling the impacts of hearing loss on relationship health than men are. With hearing aids in the picture, however, relationships can pick up again. Hearing aids can help couples make it to parties and trendy restaurants, and prevent squabbles over TV volume.
Hearing Loss and Family Members
Hearing loss can affect your ability to look after your children. Younger children, especially babies, need to be heard so they can be taken care of. If you can’t hear a baby in the next room, you might not be able to tell something is wrong. As children grow older, they will want attentive and interested parents. Thus, treating your hearing is even more critical when your kids are involved. Hearing aids can help parents listen more clearly, and kids can also learn to lip-read or use sign language to help ease communication.
Hearing Loss and Friends
As with spouses and relatives, friends count as loved ones too. Conversations and socializing are critical parts of maintaining strong friendships. Although over the years every friendship is bound to waver because of separation and the demands of everyday life, damaged hearing can contribute to friendships fracturing or even ending. Hearing loss can trigger isolation and depression. Fortunately, hearing aids can help overcome these issues.
Hearing Loss and Colleagues
In the workplace, listening and hearing is an essential part of getting things done. Despite the prominence of modern innovations like email and online chat messages, basic interpersonal communication is still highly important. Hearing problems can garble the particular guidelines for projects, or interfere with understanding when a deadline is. Managers might only see a poor work ethic instead of the real culprit, which is the loss of hearing. Getting your hearing treated and improved is essential to fostering a healthier, more relaxed office environment. Why? Because hearing loss can cause unnecessary amounts of anxiety, frustration, and lower self-esteem.
Improve Your Hearing with Clarity Audiology!
Clarity Audiology & Hearing Solutions offers state-of-the-art hearing solutions for any hearing loss you are experiencing. We specialize in diagnosing and treating hearing loss, fitting and programming hearing aids, and helping you hear again. Contact us today to schedule an appointment online or by calling 410-698-6594. To see what we are up to, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn.