What Are Some Top Reasons for Seeing an Audiologist?


How do you know when to see an audiologist? What are some top reasons for seeing an audiologist?

How do you know when to see an audiologist? What are some top reasons for seeing an audiologist? Despite the fact that hearing loss is one of the most prevalent health concerns in the country, despite the fact that it is the most common birth defect, and despite the fact that is also the most frequent work-related injury, most people are unsure when to see an audiologist.


An Audiologist Can Address All Hearing Health Matters

While it might not always be easy to see an audiologist, you should go for it anyway.If you have an earache, this might cross your mind. You might also be urged to do so by your friends and family, especially if your spouse insists you need a hearing aid. But don’t worry, because an audiologist can also address any and all hearing health matters. Do you have questions? They’ve got the answers.

Did You Know Ear Health Has to Do with Overall Good Health?

How often do you see your doctor? Like your primary care physician can perform checkups on your overall health status, the audiologist can do the same for your ears. It is good for your overall health as well. Consider this: while your PCP may be an excellent caregiver, they might not specialize in ears, and can’t do much more than diagnose you with excess earwax. The buildup of excessive earwax could be a sign of something more serious. But you’d only know for sure if you consulted a specialist.

Listen Up to Some Ear-Related Health Advice

If you are diagnosed with a buildup of earwax by your primary care physician, it is important to arrange a follow-up appointment with an audiologist. Earwax is normal, in fact sometimes it is even helpful. But too much is dangerous. Be careful and sensible, and don’t try to do anything about it yourself. Especially do not try to remove the earwax with cotton swabs or anything sharper, as this may damage your ear canal and your inner ear. In fact, attempting to remedy it yourself can even push the earwax deeper into your ear, and make a temporary issue far worse.

Hearing Loss Solutions from Clarity Audiology

Clarity Audiology & Hearing Solutions offers state-of-the-art hearing solutions for any hearing loss you are experiencing.  We specialize in diagnosing and treating hearing loss, fitting and programming hearing aids, and helping you hear again. Contact us today to schedule an appointment online or by calling 410-698-6594. To see what we are up to, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn.





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Clarity Audiology & Hearing Solutions, LLC provides hearing evaluations and tinnitus evaluations to patients in Ellicott City, Columbia, Catonsville, Baltimore, Sykesville and all of Howard, Carroll and Baltimore County. Contact Clarity Audiology & Hearing Solutions, LLC at 410-698-6594 to schedule a tinnitus evaluation or hearing evaluation.

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